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Clinical Nutrition Consultant

This cutting-edge education equips the learner to treat any illness that their client may have holistically. The learner will discover how nutrition may affect both physical and mental health and that the adage "One is what one consumes" is true. The student will study various facets of nutrition, such as the importance of certain nutrients and nutritional deficiencies, as well as get a general understanding of eating disorders, food intolerances, and vegetarianism. Additionally, the student will learn how to modify diets based on client preferences. Numerous opportunities in the developing field of nutrition consulting will become available as a result of this vocational programme.

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Anatomy and Physiology
Essential Nutrients
Vitamins and Minerals
Biochemical Tissue Salts: Remedies, prescription and treatments
Obesity and Weight Management: Health risks and implications
Energy Balance and Weight Management

Nutrition, Hydration and Exercise for Elite and Special Needs Athletes
Meal Planning for a Healthy Lifestyle
Ethical Eating: Vegetarianism nutritional benefits and ethical arguments
Overview of Eating Disorders
Allergy and Food Intolerances
Women's and Men's Health

Age-Specific Nutrition: Children, Teens and the Elderly
Introduction and Principles of Sports Nutrition: Health screening, dietary and fitness assessments
Ethics and Client Consultations: Counselling techniques, safety guidelines, goal setting
Setting Up a Practice

  • Course Code: DRV/CNC/04/22
  • Course Duration: Up to 1 Month
  • Batch size: 12
  • Qualification: Graduates /Health professionals
  • Assessment: Skill development council Agency
  • Recommended Resources: Up on request