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One of the most potent forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupressure is the healing skill of the ancient Taoist sages. Acupressure activates the body's natural healing ability by solely utilising the fingertips (Qi). You will study more than simply the main pressure points in this course. You will gain an understanding of the fundamental theory and method of approaching the body in terms of its vital bio-energetic aspects. You will learn how each of the body's organ-systems is a component of an integral whole that is closely related to both our physiology and the delicate rhythms of our inner and outer life through an emphasis on the antiquated Five Element concept.

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Introduction to Acupressure:
Vital Energy; The Tao; Early Taoist Classics; Eastern and Western Approaches to Health; Zang Fu; Organs as Functions.

The Meridian System:
Channels and Directions of Flow; Acupoint Nomenclature; Meridian Types; the 24-Hour Cycle.

Oriental Diagnosis:
Yin and Yang; Protective Chi; Observation and Interrogation; Tongue Diagnosis; Ayurveda and the Pulse.

The Five Elements and Organ Network:
Unity and Polarity; Creation and Control Cycles; the Five Organ Networks.

The Wood Element:
Wood Organs and Meridians; the Liver; the Gallbladder; Tendons and Eyes; Meridian Meditation.

The Fire Element:
Fire Organs and Meridians; the Heart and Pericardium; the Small Intestine; the Triple Burner Meridian; Tongue; Blood; Pulse; Element Joints; Nutrition; Meridian Meditation.

The Earth Element:
Earth Organs and Meridians; the Spleen-Pancreas Meridian; the Stomach; Blood Vessels and Flesh; Nutrition; Meridian Meditation.

The Metal Element:
Metal Organs and Meridians; the Lung; the Large Intestine (Colon); Skin and Nose; Element Points; Nutrition; Meridian Meditation.

The Water Element:
Water Organs and Meridians; the Kidney; the (Urinary) Bladder; Bones and Marrow; Ears; Element Points; Nutrition; Meridian Meditation.

Technique and Treatment Points:
Measurement; the Body Inch; Massage and Pressure Techniques; Twenty-four Diagnostic and Treatment Points.

Major Acupoints:
The Twelve Origin Points; The Twelve Conjunctive Points; The Twelve Assembling Points; The Seven Power Points.

Condition Index and Review Handbook:
: Index of Conditions; Warnings; Meridian Biorhythms; Element Correspondences; The Meridian Atlas; Abbreviations; Alarm Points; Associated Points.

  • Course Code: DRV/ACU/01/22
  • Course Duration: Up to 1 Month
  • Batch size: 12
  • Qualification: Graduates /Health professionals
  • Assessment: Skill development council Agency
  • Recommended Resources: Up on request